Read writing about Semantic Html in The Startup. Die Liste der HTML-Tags mit Kurzbeschreibung hilft beim Aufbau und der Pflege von Webseiten. These elements are: header; footer; article; nav; These elements are briefly described below, and in more detail on their own pages. header and footer. HTML-Tags entwickeln sich permanent weiter. Medium.js is html5 compliant and has been tested in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, & IE8+. Semantic HTML is key towards g o od accessibility practices. Inspired. A layout should adapt to the content, not the other way around. Ursprüngliche Entwickler sind Denny Vrandečić und Markus Krötzsch Semantic HTML is considered the foundation of web accessibility. : Semantic HTML is the practice of using more descriptive and meaningful tags when coding in HTML. For example, you can apply styles to only those screens that are greater, or smaller, than a certain width. You need a secret weapon, and semantic HTML is a good one to have in your arsenal. Browser support is constantly improving! Although any tag can be used for a button, it will only be keyboard focusable if you use a
semantic html medium 2021